Texas Extension Disaster Education: Information for Preparedness & Recovery

Texas Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Information

Click the link above for information and resources.

The Texas Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a collaborative educational network dedicated to educating citizens about disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Texas EDEN is a part of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and is affiliated with National Extension Disaster Education Network.

The Texas EDEN website is intended to accommodate Texas AgriLife Extension agents and all Texas citizens by sharing educational resources to reduce the impact of natural and man-made disasters for individuals, families and communities. Take time to review the information on how you can be prepared in the event of a natural disaster including ways to keep livestock safe.

Click here for resources organized by Type of Disaster

Click here for a readable/printable version of the Disaster Readiness & Recovery document.

You can access past newsletters by clicking HERE.


Resources for Preparedness:

Be Prepared to Survive

Preparing for the Unexpected

Disaster Preparedness Information for Families & Individuals

Disaster Preparedness Information for Pets & Animals

Disaster Preparedness Information for Farm & Ranches

Hurricane Preparedness for Livestock

Disaster Preparedness Information for College Students

Disaster Preparedness Information for Child Care Centers

Disaster Preparedness Information for Special Needs Populations (deaf, blind, and/or limited sight population)

Disaster Preparedness Information for Older Adults & Caregivers

Disaster Preparedness Information for Businesses

Ellis County Resources: Click Here

Resources for recovery:

Basic First Aid

After A Disaster Guide Book

Disaster Recovery Guides

Recovery Safety Tips

Food & Drinks after Power Lost

Food & Water Safety After a Disaster

Health Resources for Disaster Recovery  – Health, Hygiene, Stress

Restoring Your Home & Belongings After A Disaster

Disaster Recovery Supply List for Returning Home

Disaster Recovery Resources for Livestock, Horses & More

Tree Removal & Recovery Resources After a Disaster

Financial Recovery & Risk Management during Disaster

COVID-19 Information Resources:

Coronavirus Information Resources

Texas Extension Disaster Education Network

Texas Department of State Health Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Can ticks or mosquitoes transmit the coronavirus?

Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to make a facemask

Adapted from the Tennessee Department of Health: CLICK HERE for information on a non-test-based strategy for releasing cases and contacts from home isolation and quarantine.

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